Innovative Projects Exhibitions

Dhruv Balodhi’s innovative project, titled “Hatt Varana,” has earned him a spot at the 10th State level #exhibition of the INSPIRE Manak Award. This award is a flagship scheme jointly implemented by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), the Government of India, and the National Innovation Foundation (NIF) – India. It is focused on nurturing the ideas and innovations of school students and motivates them to pursue Science and a career in Research.
His project aims to address the issue of monkey menace, which has been a persistent problem for farmers in many parts of the country.
The Project uses an ultra sonic sensor to detect the motion of monkeys or any other animal that may be approaching the crops. When the sensor detects motion, it triggers a buzzer that produces a high-pitched sound, which is unpleasant for the monkeys and other animals. This sound helps to deter the animals from approaching the crops, thus protecting them from damage.
The project also has a Bluetooth module, which allows it to be controlled remotely using a phone. This feature is particularly useful as it enables farmers to monitor their crops from a distance and control the device when needed. The device also has and LED light that can be used to scare off monkeys and other animals during the night.
Overall, Dhruv Balodhi’s Hatt Vanara project is a promising solution to a persistent problem faced by farmers. It demonstrates the potential of technology to address real-world challenges and has the potential to make a significant impact on the lives of farmers in rural areas.
We wish Dhruv all the best in his future endeavors, and we hope that his innovative project will inspire other young innovators to come up with solutions to similar challenges.