Fire Fighter Day

InternationalFirefightersDay is annually observed on the 4th of May. It is a day to celebrate the #risks and the work that #firefighters do day to day. The #service and #sacrifice that the men and women go through consistently are tremendous.

Fire fighters’ Day was originally created in 1999 after tragically, 5 firefighters lost their lives during an Australian wildfire. The day is #celebrated on Saint Florian’s Day, Saint Florian is said to be one of the first commanding firefighters of a Roman Battalion, Florian is the patron saint of firefighters.
Today (4 May 2023) MAMS organized a fire drill workshop on the occasion of International Firefighters Day for students & Staff. 2 representatives of the Fire dept. briefed about fire safety situations on this occasion. They told us about some hazardous situations & demonstrated how we can protect ourselves from the same. They further explained about different types of fire named A, B, C, D & E. They informed us that fire can spread through wood, clothes, etc. The students got to know about different types of fire extinguishers and how to use them properly. They stressed that one should not panic or run when a fire occurs. In fact, we have to handle the situation sensibly and help people. To sum up, it was a very interesting session and the students got to know many new things.