The students of Raj Mata Krishna Kumari Girls Public School visited Rishikesh

The students of Raj Mata Krishna Kumari Girls Public School visited Neergaddu Waterfall, Ramjhula, and Laxmanjhula in Rishikesh. The theme for today was getting the students acquainted with the local #culture whose highest value lies in ‘Athithidevobhav’, the guest is God.
Later in the evening, the group got a chance to attend GangaAarti on the banks of The Ganga River. The serene and spiritual ambiance of the #place had a very soothing effect on the students and they felt a closer connection to the highest truth of life. Today they got a closer understanding of, ‘why Uttarakhand is known as the land of Gods?’
The students also got a chance to interact with the founder of Pramarth Niketan, Swamiji Chidmyanand Ji. He emphasized
in calculation of the spiritualvalues in daily life for peace. What a spiritual tour the students have for today!