Life at MAMS Cricket Academy Hostel

Life at MAMS Cricket Academy Hostel

Residing away from home within the confines of an academy hostel not only provides a unique living experience but also presents invaluable opportunities for personal and social growth. It is a unique opportunity to form long-lasting friendships. At MAMS, we hold the conviction that students deserve an environment enriched with resources, fostering an understanding of the merits of community living, the pleasure of sharing, and the significance of collaborative efforts toward shared life objectives. 

Hostel life, at its core, is a furnace for students to polish their principles and fundamental beliefs. It accelerates the development of group dynamics by reducing individual differences and resolving shared problems during the formative years. This training assists pupils in navigating the demands and competition that define today’s tough environment.

Recognizing that not all lessons can be confined to a classroom, we conduct specialized personality development and career counselling programs to facilitate comprehensive student development.

Acknowledging nature as an unrivalled teacher, we create numerous opportunities for boarders to engage with the natural world through adventurous activities such as rock climbing, rafting, skiing, and trekking. These endeavors instill life skills like resilience, problem-solving, and decision-making, alongside fostering collaboration and team building. Boarders not only cultivate an appreciation for nature but also develop a sense of responsibility towards environmental preservation, respecting the wilderness’s rules by adapting to diverse situations. Collectively, these acquired skills empower students to confront the challenges that life may present.

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