“The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.”
Paul Halmos
Maa Anandmayee Memorial School, Raiwala, organized an INTER SCHOOL MATH HACKATHON for Classes 6, 7 and 8 on 8th July 2023. The competition was held between the 8 schools and 3 students from each school participated in the Hackathon.
The Hackathon comprised two stages :
The quiz consisted of four rounds; Generalround, buzzerround, rapid fire and visual round.
Students participated with a lot of enthusiasm showcasing their potential.
Towards the end of the quiz, an audience round was conducted to encourage participation from the students sitting in the audience, giving them a chance to test their understanding of the mathematical concepts.
After the thrilling audience round, the results were declared with “THE TON BRIDGE SCHOOL’’ winning the Hackathon with 140 points followed by the runner-up “WISDOM GLOBAL SCHOOL” with 105 points.
The Hackathon ended up with a motivational speech by the Chief guest Mr Manu Mehrotra, Dean of Activities (TheDoonSchool) and School Director, Mr Arpit Panjwani.
They inspired the students to participate in such competitions in future as well as to keep their knowledge up-to-date.
Certificates were distributed to the winners at the last. It was a great learning experience for the children as they enjoyed the quiz very much. The event helped the students in identifying their capabilities and motivated them to learn and expand their knowledge. The quiz enhanced the inquisitiveness of the students thereby building confidence, mental prowess, and learning at the same time.
The Tons Bridge The Wisdom Global School The Doon School