Van Mahotsava week is celebrated from 1st to 7th July, to celebrate the joy of planting trees. Keeping this in mind MAMS Junior Wing students presented skits on savetrees. The skits presented by Grade 1-3 students were heart-touching and each had an important message to convey. The children were excited about the presentations and participated with full enthusiasm. Through their skits, children spread #awareness about the importance of trees and how they help us to live healthy life. They conveyed a strong message that we all should come together and stand against those who are involved in ruining this important resource. Through the skits, children also learned about the harmful effects of modernization. Kindergarteners created special theme-based artwork which was adorable. They used different types of leave for their artwork. The teachers helped the students identify the different types of leaves they had collected. The children loved this activity. Children had a fun time with their teachers, and friends and learned the importance of a green environment Director Junior Wing, Ms. Nikita Panjwani appreciated the students and praised their performance. She asked each student to plant saplings at their home today.