our withdrawal process

• Fees are charged as per school term and not according to the academic year. Parents withdrawing their children during the course of a school term will forfeit the fees for that term.
• Parents withdrawing the children at the end of a term must inform the Principal in writing through a Notice of withdrawal within 30 days of the last date of the term just completed, failing which 3 months’ fees are forfeited/charged in lieu of notice.
• If a child is withdrawn on medical grounds acceptable to the principal, a rebate of only 20% of the fees will be given in the event that the absence is for half a term or longer
If a child is withdrawn temporarily for a term for reasons acceptable to the Principal and due advance notice is given, a seat retention fee of 60% of the fees for the term will be payable. Seat retention beyond one term is not permitted.
• Students who wish to withdraw after writing the ICSE Board examinations are charged School Fees till end March PROVIDED the letter of withdrawal is received by the 1st of January of that year. If the letter of withdrawal is received after 1st January, the student has to pay three months full fees from the date of receipt of application for withdrawal. The decision of the Principal in this respect is not open to questions.
• Any student wishing to withdraw from Class XI or Class XII after 30th September would be charged Fees for One Full Academic Term that is October to March.
• The school authorities on anyone of the following grounds can expel a student.

A) Irregularity in attendance
B) Behaviourial Problems
C) Non-payment of Fees/ School dues


All disputes are to be settled in the legal jurisdiction of Haridwar / Rishikesh

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