Our medicare

The school has provisions for an infirmary operated by a qualified Nursing Sister, Compounder and a full-time resident Doctor. At the beginning of each term, a routine medical examination is conducted for every child on a chargeable basis.

All medicines, pathological tests, X-Rays, specialist consultations, surgical treatment and hospitalisation are provided for. The School’s liability extends to and includes the amount of insurance and the balance in case of major illness treatment is billed to students.

The school has collaborated with the Himalayan Hospital which also runs a Community Health centre.  Regular medical examinations, and dental and eye examinations are carried out by the school. Both Haridwar & Rishikesh are well-equipped with medical facilities. The school has a good liaison with a number of experts from nearby locations, specialising in a variety of medical fields. For those eligible, there is a first-class Military Hospital about two kilometres away.

infirmary rules medicare

• Other than in an emergency, all students are expected to meet the doctor after Breakfast or during break for necessary consultation.
• Decorum should be maintained by students waiting to see the doctor or the Sister, and by those visiting patients.
• Students wanting to get excused from a class/activity to visit the infirmary must first take a pass from their class teacher and then have it countersigned by the Housemaster.
• No one is permitted to visit the hospital after dinner for any treatment except in case of an emergency. Students must only visit the hospital during the allotted time before dinner.

medical leave

Students should bring a letter of appointment with the dentist for any regular visit, which is permitted only once a term. For a follow, the student will be sent to the School Dentist and if the school dentist is unable to fix it, only then will the child be sent home to the Dentist.